Hello to all Sir Joe has been working hard on the roof of the Castle for along time. It is dryer now then ever.It had so many layers of stuff that Sir Harry placed on it over the years.We had a Company Cold Jet come out and used dry ice and blasted it off,it was a cool thing to watch.Sir Joe and Sir Fred, Sir Doug,Sir Micheal M. and myself Dame Donna worked really hard, to get the roof opened soon. Maybe in the next two years or so,we had to restructure the way people come up there,we need to put up fencing and other items to add more security for the castle.As you know people like to climb so we are going to make it safer for us..and those that like to ignore rules and signs.We hope to see you all when the winter is over, enjoy all the Holidays that r coming up..Thank you for your support of the Only medieval Castle in North America a Man's dream, become reality in 52 years of his life,to tell the Knight's to keep the front door of the castle opened and allow the people to come and enjoy going back in time.Sir Harry would thank you for all your support by coming out and fantasying that your r a Knight, Princess etc,cause this is the place to do it..Have a great day and once again thank you..Dame Donna Jean Brasher...