well hello there, sorry I haven't blogged lately. Have been alittle busy, but doing well, the weather has been rough at the castles gardens. But with alittle help our gardens are doing well, and blooming as planned. I don't know if the night blooming Cyrus will bloom or not this year??? you see we had a bit of a freeze in our green house awhile ago, our furnace went down,well it was given to us many years ago and it was ten years old then.It has been up for a year now, thanks to Sir Joe and a furnace guy!!I had two of them two years ago, but I only have one now, maybe I will transplant it this winter. Anyway, the waddling is going slow but continuing, half way there. It will be wonder full when it is complete! we already have had 100 people take pictures in front of it. It is awesome to do new things in our gardens that no one has around here. here are a couple of shots of the gardens, I hope you like them.